What is Placemaking?

Part of the plan development process includes thinking about what goes into making great spaces. Our project team has developed guiding principles for the revitalization of Lincoln’s Downtown Corridors to help lay the groundwork for accomplishing the goals of the project.

Guiding Design Principles.


The Destination

  • Define a vision for downtown; create the new identity

  • The overall vision is more powerful than any of the individual parts

  • Create a dynamic destination

  • Allow the goal of the greater destination to serve as a benchmark for all design and planning decisions going forward

  • Define the local vernacular

Public Realm & Infrastructure

  • Define an experience that begins at the gateway but lasts throughout

  • Develop a seamless pedestrian experience

  • Design the infrastructure to allow for growth and sustainability of the program

  • Embrace and improve the functionality of the public realm


  • Approach the streets as a unifying force in the layout of the downtown destination

  • Understand what systems are valued by the users

  • Look at ‘movement systems’, not vehicular systems

  • Organize traffic patterns

  • Develop guidelines for setbacks and spatial dimensionality

  • Promote walkability


The Site

  • Minimize environmental impact

  • Create an impactful design solution

  • Capitalize on downtown’s natural characteristics, eliminating or improving on any negative factors

  • Consider all aspects of the corridors equally with goals and objectives in mind

Open Space

  • Create an intuitive pedestrian experience

  • Create a framework that permits people to orient themselves to their physical surroundings

  • Focal elements organize spaces, create interest and provide guides in wayfinding

  • Understand how the community used the roadway system and open space program

The Destination

  • Embrace the local and regional culture and celebrate it

  • Create unique destinations that call attention to the unique features of place

  • Build on what makes downtown authentic

  • Preserve authenticity

What makes a successful place?


Public Space.

To build a successful public space, we need an understanding of community tendencies and ideals, and how they shift in response to social change.


We look at public space as the locations where we exchange ideas, have a good time, and build relationships. The ‘sphere of influence’ in our lives shape these spaces which offer a forum for social interaction, recreation, entertainment, relaxation and community building.

Pillars of the Public Realm.

Placemaking focuses on a local community’s assets, inspiration, and potential, with the intention of creating public spaces that promote people’s health, happiness, and well being. The social, cultural, economic, and environmental factors need to be weighed equally during the visioning process.