This project is a city-led streetscape enhancement effort meant to improve the attractiveness, safety, connectivity and overall vibrancy of some of downtown’s most important street corridors.

Check out the master plan.


While the primary focus of the project is O Street (from 9th – 28th streets), it will also include enhancements to 9th, 10th, 11th, and 14th streets in the downtown core. By making needed improvements to the streetscape, the expectation is that O Street and the other identified corridors will better serve downtown residents, business owners, employees, and visitors.

The city is hopeful that these improvements will serve to leverage additional private reinvestment along and around the affected streets. The city will also use this opportunity to update the streetscape after a number of downtown ash trees are removed.

Ensuring that this corridor project is the best first impression of our city is critical to welcoming both residents and visitors. In essence that is what we are working to achieve.


Downtown Corridors Project Area


Keep me updated!

Have questions? Contact Collin Christopher, Lincoln Lancaster County Planning Department, cchristopher@lincoln.ne.gov or 402-441-6370.